Activities and Events

Activities and Events

A Welcome function cum orientation program for the batch of 2024 was organized on Saturday 3rd August 2024. Day before the Orientation program, the hostel allotment of newly joined students took place. Orientation program was started at sharp 9:00 AM and continued till 12 noon. For the pre-education of the new students a webpage having detailed instructions was created and shared with students in advance.
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On Sunday, 4th August 2024, a nature walk was arranged for the newly joined students to sensitize new residents about the flora and fauna of the campus and surrounding area. All the students were divided into small groups leading by a faculty coordinator and volunteers. Students were mesmerized by knowing the beauty and delicacy of the environment surrounding the campus.
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From 5 to 9 August 2024, newly joined students were educated about the policies, procedures and other essential aspects of IIT Mandi. They were made aware about different versions of campus life where they are going to live for next 4 years. For the same, a series of guest lectures were organized during 5-9 August. Students got opportunity to have the interactions with eminent personalities during the lectures. Topics of these lectures covered various issues including Drug Abuse, Anti-ragging, Meditation for life, Cyber security, Gender sensitization, session of clinical hypnotherapy. Each day, one hour yoga sessions preceded the lecture series.
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Observation of Anti-Ragging Day/Anti-Ragging Week (12-18th August 2024).The institute observed Anti-Ragging Day on 12th August 2024 and Anti-Ragging Week from 12-18 August, 2024. Before that, a guest lecture was arranged 4 days back during the 7DIP. Students were again sensitized about the ragging and its affects on a human life. A Selfie points has been installed in the hostel area for students to take selfie and to be aware of the day/week. Also, Poster making and Essay writing competitions were held by the Artgeeks/Literary clubs of the Cultural Society.
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During 9-15 August 2024, the nation participated in “Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan”. IIT Mandi actively involved in this campaign and encouraged each and every student of the institute to take selfie with Tiranga and upload on the portal of the MyGov. Also, Tiranga was mounted on each hostel of the institute under this campaign.
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On 14th August 2024, the Drama Club, under Gymkhana staged a play to observe the “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day”. The Min. of Education shared a script along with a video of the drama played by National School of Drama. The script was rewritten and adapted by the Writing Club of Literary Society and the Drama Club performed on the play. A thoughtful speech by Dr. G. Shrikanth Reddy was followed by the Drama.
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IIT Mandi celebrated 78th Independence Day of India. The day started with the hoisting of the national flag on the recently mounted mast pole of 100ft height. In the beginning of the Independence Day, Prof. Laxmidhar Behera, Hon’ble Director IIT Mandi hoisted the national flag. After the national anthem, The Director observed the march past of security personnel of the institute. A cultural program in the institute auditorium mesmerized the audience with full of joy and the sense of patriotism.
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On 18th August, 2024, a full day sports activities were conducted for the newly joined students. During the sports events all of the students participated and competed in different outdoor games like, running, jumping, javelin throw and more. The purpose was to make students cautious about the fitness and importance of sports in life.
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On 23rd August 2024, Dean Students Office celebrated the National Space Day, which is celebrated on the commemoration of the landing of Chandrayaan-3 on south pole of the moon in 2023. The day has been celebrated at IIT Mandi with full enthusiasm. IIT Mandi hosted 3 guest lecture which centered around the space technology and opportunity in the field. The lectures also focused on India’s leaps in the field of space Science and technology. Besides, students of IIT Mandi, different schools, surroundings IIT Mandi were also invited to be a part of the celebration. The lectures were followed by various competitions including Quiz, Painting, Hackathon etc. All the winners of competitions were conferred with prizes in different categories.
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On 29th August, 2 awareness sessions were conducted for the new entrants. These sessions were conducted in the institute auditorium. In first session, students have been made aware about the medical facilities and services of IIT Mandi. The session covered all aspects from simple precautionary measures to special medical facilities including medications, diagnosis, ambulance service, referral systems etc. The second session covered the security aspect of the institute and the safety measures of the campus residents. In addition the session specifically covered the fire safety and disaster management issues.
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Drug abuse is a bottleneck for the development of a cultural society. Government of India is on the verge to eliminate this evil from its root. The “Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan” is a campaign of the government which focuses on the elimination of the drug abuse. To contribute to the campaign, IIT Mandi organized various activities including Slogan writing, Painting competition, distribution of IEC materials, e-pledge, Mass pledge, Signing of Anti-Drug Declaration form, Walkathon/Marathon, Film screening, Workshop, an invited talk etc.
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