Following are important notifications issued in the interest of students. To search other than following notifications, please click here.

Sr. No. Notification
Office Memorandum regarding Refund Policy - Hostel & Mess Fee.
Office Memorandum regarding reconstitution of Student Welfare & Discipline Committee (SWDC).
Office Memorandum -Formation of new clubs under Academic Affairs Society, Student Gymkhana.
Office Memorandum regarding newly elected Hostel/Mess coordinators for the Academic Session 2024-25.
Office Memorandum -Change in roles and responsibilities of Faculty for Clubs under Students Gymkhana.
Office Memorandum -regarding appointment of Resident Warden - Dashir Hostel.
Office Memorandum -regarding appointment of Resident Warden - Gaurikund Hostel.
Office Memorandum - Additional responsibility as warden of the newly established hostel blocks.
Office Memorandum regarding newly elected Hostel/Mess coordinators for the Academic Session 2024-25
Office Memorandum regarding Revised Married Scholar Apartment Policy - reg.
Change in roles and responsibilities of Faculty for Society/Clubs/NSS under Students Gymkhana.
Office Memorandum regarding Revised Hostel Rules of the Institute.
Office Memorandum regarding Revised Institute Code of Conduct.
Office Memorandum regarding newly elected Club Coordinators, under the Student Gymkhana for the session 2024-25.
Office Memorandum regarding amendments in the Mess off Rules (point no. 6.6) of Hostel Rules- reg.
Office Memorandum- Announcement of Secretary positions for the A.Y. 2024-25
Office Memorandum - Committee constitution to conduct the Club Coordinator’s elections under Student Gymkhana for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Reconstitution of Hygiene and Sanitation Committee (HSC), South Campus
Reconstitution of the Committee regarding ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ for crisis management and response.
Guidelines for traveling allowance reimbursement for the students
Revision in the Anti-Ragging Committee.
Revision in the Committees related to Roles and Responsibilities under the Deanery of Students.
Hostel/Mess coordinators for academic session 2023-24 .
Approved celebration of Festivals/Events by Students on campus .
Revision in Book Nook Committee under Deanery of Students.
Committee has been constitution for review/finalization of the videos to upload on any of the online websites, portals or social media.
Resident warden - Roles and Responsibilities.
Hostel Accommodation for External Students, Conference/Workshop delegates and Project staff.
Corrigendum regarding roles & responsibilities under denary of students.
Partial modification of the Students’ related Roles and Responsibilities.
Students related Roles and Responsibilities .
Rules and processes for Student Gymkhana Councils .
Committees constitution for the Students related Roles and Responsibilities under the Deanery of Students-2023 .
Partial modification of the Students’ related Faculty Roles and Responsibilities.
Launching of Tele MANAS - A free mental health helpline.
Process for requesting hostel accommodation for temporary visitors to the Institute.