Flexible Curriculum

In keeping with our goals of shaping tomorrow's leaders, the B.Tech. curriculum gives you considerable flexibility. This flexibility is decided by each student based on your aspirations and interest, in consultation with the faculty advisor for your branch. Some highlights of the flexible curriculum:

  • 1. only 20-30 contact hours per week, leaves time for individual study and extra-curricular activities.

  • 2. A large number of electives courses in the branch, in other engineering branches, in basic sciences and in the humanities and management.

  • 3. Core courses can be deferred to allow you to take interesting electives early on.

  • 4. Short,Specialized courses by visiting experts from industry and abroad.

  • 5. Elective courses offered by faculty in other IITs and universities abroad through our interactive electronic classroom.

  • 6. Minor specialisation - a student of one branch takes a set of 3-4 courses in another discipline, e.g. a Mechanical student takes a minor in Computer Science.

  • 7. Provision for visits of a few weeks to one semester to other universities and industry for course work and projects.

Contact Us

  • Mr. Pavin Samuel
    Deputy Administrator (Students)
    India Tel:+91-1905-267016
    Email: pavinaas@iitmandi.ac.in