Timothy A. Gonsalves, Professor Emeritus, IIT Mandi

IIT Mandi Campus If you are in IIT Mandi, visit a large archive (2010-2020) of tutorials, slideshows, etc.

Spotted hyena My contributions to Wikipedia/Commons: Featured Pictures, Valued Images, and Quality Images.

Aids for Programmers

How to study Preface from a textbook on programming
GNU Emacs tutorial
Linux tutorial
Gdb tutorial
A Standard for C Code
Code review guidelines for the DONlab coding style
The CVS source code version control
Guide to understanding large open-source applications
Brief intro to Java for C/C++ programmers
A Standard for Java Code
Template for specifications of a Mini-Project Intended for software design and implementation mini-projects of a few weeks duration.
Template for a Major Technical Project (MTP) proposal Intended for software design and implementation projects, could be adapted for other types of projects.
Template for the design document of a software project.
Sample performance report. Use for reporting performance measurements done by experiments on real systems or simulation.
Confidence Intervals: A brief tutorial on why and how to compute confidence intervals in experimental measurements.

Perl for the Lazy Programmer A quick guide to some of Perl's most useful features. (Best viewed with OpenOffice 4.x. LibreOffice 5.x also works.)

CSE Course Materials

An overview of Linux Network Device Drivers (pdf) with audio accompaniment (mp3).

Photography docs, videos and image galleries

CamTrap T70 Setup

A 14-min demo of the initial setup of a CamTrap T70. Right-click on the video to download (47 MB).
Recorded with a Sony RX100M6 in 1920x1280 and 25 fps, downsampled to 960x540 and 16 fps using ffmpeg.

Notes on sensor dust and how to deal with it.

Movie Making & Editing: Notes on assorted techniques for making and manipulating simple videos, mostly using ffmpeg

Monsoon videos and photos: Last updated 28 Aug 2020

Dogs and Monkeys

Video of a family of rhesus macaque monkeys playing in the tree opposite our balcony at C20-G2. Speedy, a small black dog who is a good hunter, waited unobtrusively near the tree in hopes of catching a tender young monkey. To her chagrin, Rusty our Irish setter gave the game away by expressing his displeasure noisily from the balcony.
Recorded with a Sony RX100M6 in 4K, trimmed and spliced in Blender, downsampled to 800x450 and 15 fps using ffmpeg.
The title image of two adult females and a baby was taken by me with a Nikon D7200 + 200-500mm telephoto lens, and edited by Kartiki Gonsalves.

A travelogue of our trip to the Spiti Valley Himachal Pradesh, 16th to 24th June 2018.

A travelogue of our trip to the Keylong area of Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh, 15th to 21st July 2016.

Kartiki Gonsalves Photography and Kartiki on Instagram have stunning images of people, landscapes, travel and wildlife.

First snowfall on IIT Mandi campus in 25-30 years! Pics: 7th Feb night and 8th Feb morning 2019. More pics here

Slow motion video of falling water drops

Taken with a Sony RX100M6 using High Frame Rate video mode. Shot at 1,000 fps and saved at 25 fps, ie 40x slower than real-time. The RX100M6 has a 20 MP EXMOR-RS sensor, the same type used in the high-end pro Sony A9 full-frame camera. Normal sensors have a grid of wires on top of the sensor for reading the data from the pixels. This reduces the light falling on the pixels by about 30%. Data is readout serially on the grid which limits the number of frames per second. The EXMOR-RS sensor has the read wires and circuitry stacked directly under the sensor, resulting in better low-light performance and very high speed parallel readout of the image.
Parmod Kumar, Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering, used OpenFOAM to simulate a drop falling through air on a liquid surface. The simulation is remarkably similar to the real-life video.
Sony RX100M6 HFR Video OpenFOAM Simulation, by Parmod Kumar


No DateTitleEvent Remarks
17 18 November 2023 Graduation Address 1st Graduation Day, Government Engineering College Idukki, 18 November 2023
Text of my Graduation Address [pdf, 88KB]
Today's graduates are entering a world of increasingly rapid change, change in which technology plays a large role. Much of what you have learnt in your 4 years in college will not be of use during most of your 30-40 years career. How to cope? (1) Lifelong learning (2) Become an agent of change. Take up challenging problems of India and design innovative solutions to bring prosperity to all Indians. We consider reduction of traffic fatalities as an example.
16 30 August 2023

An Engineering Career in a Fast-changing World

Fresher's Orientation Programme, IIIT Una, Himachal Pradesh, 23-30 August 2023
Slides of my talk [pdf, 3.2 MB]
See also my MBF blog: How do I become an Innovative Engineer? 30 August 2023

Up to the 20th Century, engineering as a career was predictable. An aspiring engineer studied for 4-5 years to become an expert in a chosen branch. You got a job that used your college learning, and did well for several decades. On the job, you picked up skills specific to your company, perhaps went back to college for a master's.
The 21st Century has upset these certainties. With the rapid pace of change, much of what an engineer studies in college is likely to be obsolete even before s/he graduates. Robots and AI/ML are taking over whole classes of jobs that engineers used to do. Technologies have a life time of a few years.
In this context, we address a number of questions that a student in a technological institute would have. What is engineering? How do I become a good engineer? AI/ML is my passion, why should I study Chemistry? With robots and AI/ML taking over many engineering jobs, what is my future as an engineer? Which companies will hire me to do real engineering?
15 20 Jan 2023 Curriculum Innovations for Design Engineers Curriculum Innovations for Design Engineers, Workshop on UG Academic Curriculum Development, IIT Roorkee, 20-21 Jan 2023
Slides of my talk [pdf, 816 KB]
Based on experiences at IIT Madras and IIT Mandi, we outline the needs of Indian industry and curiculum approaches to training BTech students for innovative design work in industry.
14 15 Oct 2022 Graduation Address (video recording, 26 mins) 21st Graduation Day, Madras Christian College (MCC), Chennai, 15 Oct 2022
Text of my Graduation Address [pdf, 68KB]
Technology has played a major role in the remarkable progress of India since Independence. Technology has also caused serious problems. We examine the role of the arts, science and commerce graduates of MCC in the future of India.
13 8 Mar 2022 Re-engineering Education: Lessons from the IIT's ThinkEDU 2022 Conclave, by The New Indian Express, Chennai.
T.G. Sitharam, Director, IIT-G
T.A. Gonsalves, Former Director, IIT Mandi.
Chair: Kaveree Bamzai.

View slides for my speech: "Whither Engineering Education?"[pdf, 1.7 MB]
News report in The New Indian Express, 8th March 2022
12 23 Feb 2022 T.A. Gonsalves, "Inspiring female research scholars towards a career"
WIE Session, OCEANS 2022, IIT Madras Research Park, Chennai We consider what is engineering and why it is important for India that a large fraction of engineers are women. We discuss the pros and cons of industry and academic careers.
[11:09 mins, 24MB]
11 Sat 22 Jan 2022 The Promise (and Perils) of Data Science SCIS Foundation Day Lecture, University of Hyderabad. By video from IIT-M Research Park. Data is everywhere. Almost every new product comes with sensors and an Internet connection. Data collected by these billions of sensors is continuously uploaded into ever growing cloud storage. Every facet of our lives, is being captured in this cloud of data.
The promise of data science is that companies can use this data to give better service to their customers and to grow their business, governments can use the data for better, more transparent governance, ordinary people can benefit from better education, health, income, friendships and quality of life. The reality has been a mixed bag. While weather prediction is becoming more and more accurate, cloud bursts devastate mountain regions without warning. Facebook fosters global connections, helps us find long lost childhood friends, but it also fosters deadly hate groups.
What is Data Science? How is it related to AI and ML? Why has it suddenly come to prominence? How can we reap the benefits of Data Science while avoiding its pitfalls? We will explore these questions during this seminar.
10 Thu 16 Dec 2021 BTech = Engineering? (pdf) Orientation for 1st BTech students, IIIT-Una Engineers have been serving society with products and infrastructure such as bridges, buildings, plows, caraiges, etc for 1,000s of years. BTech was started only in the last 200 years. What is engineering? How did engineers learn their skills without BTech? Is a BTech needed for engineering? These questions are addressed in this seminar.
9 Fri 21 May 2021 Photography: Get Rich or Get Famous? (pdf) Lecture-demo arranged by the Photo & Movie Club, IIT Mandi. Every photographer dreams of seeing his/her photos in NatGeo, of some wealthy collector buying a photo for millions. With the sophistication of digital camera technology, it seems that this dream is just around the corner. Alas, there are millions of other would-be greats pursuing the same dream, and only a handful of prizes awaiting.
So, should we give up photography and take to a more sparsely populated, less competitive field such as growing prize bitter gourds? It is here that Wikimedia Commons comes to the rescue. Any photographer with a modicum of talent by putting in consistent effort, can earn fame, if not fortune, by contributing their best images to the Commons.
In this lecture-demo, we will talk about Commons and walk through the process of submitting images. Most importantly, we will explain what is need to get your submissions noticed. We will give examples from the journeys of IIT Mandi Wikimedians who have started to make a name.
8 Tue 20 Oct 2020 The Rise of (Applied) AI CSE Dept, Vignan University, Guntur Distt, AP Traces the development of AI since 1950. Covers some fundamental laws and technologies that have supported the recent rise of AI and data science. Describes some AI-based applied projects at IIT Mandi and related curricula innovations.
Invited speech, delivered from Kamand via the Internet
7 30 July 2020 Creating an IIT in a Remote Greenfield 5th Foundation Day, IIT Goa Chief Guest speech, delivered from Kamand via the Internet
6 30 June 2020 Farewell speech Function arranged by faculty+staff of IIT Mandi in the Village Square Farewell speech on completion of my term as founding Director of IIT Mandi, 15/Jan/2010 - 30/Jun/2020
5 30 May 2020 Challenges in Creating a Global Institute in a Remote Location
Webinar hosted by IITACB "Temples of Learning -- Ancient India: on the banks of a Himalayan river; under a banyan tree. Modern India: in crowded, polluted, COVID-infested cities. Can this change?" I trace the genesis of IIT Mandi, and some of the strategies that have led to its successes over its first decade. We have laid firm foundations for scaling ever greater heights during its coming 2nd decade.
View slides only: Challenges in Creating a Global Institute in a Remote Location
4 Apr 2020 Musings on Change: Driver for SDN CSI Transactions on ICT, 2020 Keynote speech at ICSDN, Anna Univ., 9/8/19
Examines change from antiquity to the present, and extrapolates to the future. Shows that we are in an age of exponentially-increasing rate of change. Motivates the need for a flexible architecture for the Internet. Lists challenges of using software-defined networks (SDN) as the base.
The first part of the talk is general: history of technology and Internet technology. These sections will be interesting to many. If you are interested in computer networks, read through to the end!
3 Tue 10/3/20 My Path to Setting up an NGO for Women in Rural India Women's Day, IIT Mandi Speech by Priscilla Gonsalves: From US in 1950s to EWOK in Kamand in 2016 via Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. Includes photos of Afghanistan in 1972-74.
Last updated: 11:30 am 3/5/2020.
EWOK website | EWOK on Wikipedia |
2 Mon 2/1/17 IIT Mandi: Scaling the Heights Ruby Reunion, BTech 1976
1 Mon 1/8/16 Director's Welcome BTech Orientation 2016


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19 Hike along the stream above Shila village, 7 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 22 best images (3.2MB) Download 22 selected images individually

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From Sani, we drove to the beginning of the Darcha road. There, we crossed the Tsarap and went upstream along the right bank for a few km to the village of Shila. Shila has a large flat area devoted to agriculture between the river and the steep mountain slopes. There is a waterfall just beyond the village. We walked up a dirt road along the stream for a few km. Then returned to Shila and drove back to Rigyal.
Many of my best images of Shila may be viewed and downloaded from Wikimedia Commons.
18 Sani lake and hike up the Haptal Tokpo stream, 7 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 24 best images (3.3MB) Download 24 selected images individually

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We awoke to a clear, cold morning with lovely views of the snow-capped peak towering over Rigyal Hotel, Padum. After breakfast, we drove to Sani village about 12 km up the Stod-Doda river valley. Visited the statue of the Buddha on the Sani Lake.
Stopped at the bridge over the Haptal Tokpo stream and hiked up a stony path along the stream. Views of an unnamed peak 5,570m (18,274') upstream enticed us onwards. A few hardy shrubs were the only relief in the arid terrain. A PWD construction crew was at work on the highway and a water pipeline along the stream.
Many of my best images of Sani and Haptal Tokpo may be viewed and downloaded from Wikimedia Commons.
17 Hike east from Stakrimo Gompa along the left bank of the Tsarap, 6 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 32 best images (4.2MB) Download 32 selected images individually

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After breakfast, we drove up to the entrance to the Stakrimo Gompa. From there we hiked east along the broad, barren slopes towards the Tsarap. The path was a few hundred feet above the river, along a broad shelf sloping moderately up to the base of the mountains. To ease our way over the rocky terrain, we followed a cable trench. The opposite bank of the Tsarap rises steeply to a mountain range completely devoid of vegetation.
As we progressed, the valley narrowed. We had good views of the Darcha-Padum highway on the left bank of the Tsarap, and Shila village and waterfall on the opposite side. Barren, rocky terrain with occasional splashes of brilliant yellow, turquoise blue, white snow, and variegated rock strata characteristic of the region in autumn.
Around noon we came across a large collection of stone huts for shepherds. Incongruous was a modern toilet. We had lunch nearby and then retraced our path back to Stakrimo and Padum. Hot tea was welcome in Rigyal Hotel.
The weather was clear, sunny and pleasantly warm during the day.
R16_06624.JPG is by Sreelakshmi
Many of my best images of Zanskar are posted on Wikimedia Commons.
16 Karsha Gompa, Padum, 5 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 41 best images (5.5MB) Download 41 selected images individually

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On Wednesday 5th October afternoon, we drove to Karsha at the foot of the mountain range to the north-east of Padum. The road crosses the Stod-Doda river before climbing gently up to Karsha village. A moderately steep paved path and steps lead up to the entrance of the 1,000-year old Karsha Gompa. There after, one climbs steep steps between tiers of buildings to the main monastery at the top. The murals, prayer wheels, central prayer hall are similar to Stakrimo and other gompas. The upper floors and roofs are supported by bundles of willow twigs, sometimes several feet deep.
As one climbs, there are gorgeous panoramic views of the Padum valley with the 3 rivers -- Tsarap and Stod-Doda which join below Karsha to form the Zanskar -- Padum and several villages and the towering Zanskar range. The north-facing slopes on the south bank of the Tsarap/Zanskar are barren with only a few fields near the small villages. The main Padum valley to the south and west is more fertile. A large Buddha statue under construction and willows and birches in their autumn colours stand out in the dry autumn landscape.
A few sparrows were foraging on the ground in the Gompa. Many alpine choughs soared and swooped up and down the face of the Gompa buildings, perhaps catching insects on the fly, perhaps out of sheer enjoyment.
The weather was clear, sunny and pleasantly warm during the day.
DSC_0292.jpg and DSC_0318.jpg by Pavin Samuel
Many of my best images of Zanskar are posted on Wikimedia Commons.
15 Hike to Stakrimo Gompa from Rigyal Hotel, Padum, 5 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 49 best images (6.6MB) Download 49 selected images individually

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On Wednesday 5th October, we woke to an invigourating chill under clear skies. As the sun rose in the east, the rays slanting across the valley above Padum promised warmth to the awakening town. Rigyal Hotel, being on a rising slope to the south of the town, afforded good views of Padum and the northern limits of the valley. To the south, the towering snow-capped peaks glowed in the morning sun.
After breakfast, we climbed up to Stakrimo Gompa a few hundred feet above to the south. The Gompa is surrounded by a copse of birch and willow, brilliant yellow in the sunlight, a striking composition against the deep blue sky. There are several chortens and a prayer wheel outside the entrance to the monastery. The monastery has two buildings with prayer halls. The smaller one below has an image of a young monk. The upper prayer hall in the main building has the traditional collection of Buddhist items, including a drum, a teapot for brewing barley/herbal tea, etc. The main building has been renovated by constructing a modern structure outside the old walls. Besides the usual prayer wheels, beneath a birch tree we found a water-driven prayer wheel. A friendly monk took us around and explained the history and religious significance.
At the top of a hillock is a big chorten and a solar-powered mobile tower. There is a good panoramic view of Padum, Karsha and other villages in the valley. The Tsarap flows in from the right, the Stod-Doda from the left and after merging, the Zanskar flows out at the top right.
From the monastery, we walked eastwards along a hill to get a different view of the valley. Then, down into the valley and along the Photang-Padum road lined with birches/willows in autumn colours. Saw two mosques, as there is a sizeable Muslim population in Padum. After rice and rajma in a local restaurant, we returned to Rigyal.
The weather was clear, sunny and pleasantly warm during the day.
DSC_0259.jpg and DSC_0277.jpg by Pavin Samuel
Many of my best images of Padum are posted on Wikimedia Commons.
14 Shingo La pass to Padum, Zanskar, Ladakh, 4 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 41 best images (5.1MB) Download 41 selected images individually

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On Tuesday 4th October, we drove from Gemur to Darcha, then up the new road along the Jankar Nala to Shingo La pass. From Shingo La, the road descends to the Lungnak Valley. The Gonbo Rangjon mountain is an impressive rocky cone that rises precipitiously from the valley floor. We stopped for tea at a campsite near the base. The owner told us that with the road construction, trekkers have declined in number. The road runs along the right bank of the Kargiakh Chu river until the confluence with the Tsarap at Purne. En route, we stopped for a sandwich lunch opposite Testa, a left bank village. The views were spectacular with brilliant blue skies in the crisp, clear high-altitude valley. Here and there, road work raised some dust but it soon died down.
After crossing the Purne bridge, the road enters a narrow gorge on the right bank of the Tsarap Lingti Chu. Nearing our destination, we were blocked for 2 1/2 hours due to blasting of the cliff to widen the road. We reached our destination, Hotel Rigyal in Padum at about 8 pm.
After the pass for most of the way to Padum, the road is unpaved and under construction. In a few places, there is water flowing over the road. Contrary to popular advice, the road is motorable in a small vehicle with good ground clearance such as a Maruti Ignis or WagonR. A skillful driver is necessary.
DSC_0187.jpg is by Pavin Samuel.
Click here for my images of the Shingo La pass For more images see the Commons collection on the Nimmu-Padum-Darcha road. The Wikipedia article on the Nimmu-Padum-Darcha road gives distances etc.
13 Shingo La pass about 40 km north of Darcha en route to Padum, 4-8 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 16 best images (2.0MB) Download 16 selected images individually

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On Tuesday 4th October, we drove from Gemur to Darcha, then up the new road along the Jankar Nala to Shingo La pass. At an elevation of about 16,600' (5,050m), the pass separates Lahaul, Himachal from Zanskar, Ladakh. The nearby Shingo Ri peak about 20,000' (6,000m) dominates the pass on the east.
Just below the pass on the Lahaul side is a small lake. This feeds the Jankar Sangpo stream, a left bank tributary of the Jankar Nala, which meets the Bhaga river at Darcha. The 40km road up to the pass is paved. Beyong the pass, the road is still under construction by the BRO.
There is a light covering of snow at the pass even in summer. The Lahaul side gets more snow with lovely views of snow-capped ranges. The Zanskar side is drier and the mountain peaks are mostly bare rock above scree slopes.
For more images see the Commons collection on the Shingo La pass.
12 Walks around Gemur, Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh, 3 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 46 best images (6.5MB) Download 46 selected images individually

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Monday 3rd October was a crisp, cool day at 10,500' (3,200m) in Gemur. The sky was intense blue with a few clouds, the bright sun was pleasantly warm. Before breakfast, I walked along the deserted NH3 through Gemur photographing some buildings in the village. After breakfast, Manas and I walked down to the jhulla to cross the Bhaga, assisted by a local farmer. We climbed up a scree slope to reach a small waterfall. The slope had seabuckthorn, wild roses and assorted small plants amidst rocks small and big. After enjoying the view and a snack, we walked down to the jhulla through fields of broccoli.
In the afternoon, we climbed the path behing Gemoor Khar for about 700m to reach the Gemur Gompa (monastery). The original monastery was built centuries ago, but was destroyed in an avalanche. The current building was constructed in the 1970s. It seems deserted except for an old caretaker who was glad to show us around. The Gompa has several clay statues and assorted murals on the walls. There is a lovely view of the Bhaga and the Gephan mountain range on the opposite east bank.
For more images on this area, see the Commons collections on the Gemur village and Monastery.
11 Manali - Tandi - Gemur - Darcha, 2 Oct 2022 Slideshow of 35 best images (4.5MB) Download 35 selected images individually

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Manas Thakur and I left Manali at 9 am in a taxi. We drove through the Rohtang Tunnel and stopped at Tandi. Clear blue sky with scattered clouds, crisp cool air, hot in the sun. The Chandra and Bhaga Rivers meet here. After a cup of tea, we proceeded across the Bhaga over the Tandi Bridge and on past Keylong to reach Gemoor Khar, Gemur about 12 noon.
In the afternoon, we drove to Darcha, crossing the new Barsi Bridge, and stopped the car just after Darcha on the narrow road to Yoche village. We walked along the road most of the way to Yoche. The hills were barren and dry due to autumn, with scattered small junipers and clumps of yellow birches varying the colours. The taxi picked us up near Yoche and drove us back to Gemoor Khar.
10 Bird watching on the backwaters from Muttukadu Bridge, near Kovalam, TN, India, Sat 15 Jan 2022 Slideshow of 67 best images (5.6MB) Download 67 selected images individually

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With JP (first employee of Nilgiri Networks, Ooty) we went down to the Muttukadu Boat House and crossed under the bridge. However, the water was too high to proceed further. We then drove onto the bridge and walked along the pedestrian path on the seaward side. Crossed over to the landward side before returning to Uthandi. It was a clear morning with scattered high clouds, sufficient breeze to keep the temperature cool.
9 Bird watching on the backwaters from Muttukadu Bridge, near Kovalam, TN, India, Sat 15 Jan 2022 Slideshow of 67 best images (5.6MB) Download 67 selected images individually

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With JP (first employee of Nilgiri Networks, Ooty) we went down to the Muttukadu Boat House and crossed under the bridge. However, the water was too high to proceed further. We then drove onto the bridge and walked along the pedestrian path on the seaward side. Crossed over to the landward side before returning to Uthandi. It was a clear morning with scattered high clouds, sufficient breeze to keep the temperature cool.
8 Trekking around Tosh village, Parbati Valley, Himachal. 12th-14th Nov 2021 Slideshow of 82 best images (10MB) Download 82 selected images individually

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Fri 12th, drove with Sree, Adarsh and Pavin from Salgi campus, IIT Mandi via Bajaura to Tosh, 16 km beyond Manikaran, 130 km from campus. Took us 5h15m. We stayed at Paradise Holiday Resort, elev. 8,000', near the top of the village, a steep 10-min hike from the parking lot through the village. At night, the village is garishly lit by coloured lights in the multi-storey hotels, music blaring from some of them until 11 pm.
Sat 13th: the sun touched the peaks opposite shortly after 7 am. Hiked 1,000' up a steep trail to Kutla, then across meadows and pine forests to Glacier Point. Scenic view of the stream and mountain, though the glacier has largely disappeared. Stopped for lunch in Kutla. Total 10 km, 6 hours.
Sun 14th morning: checked out of the hotel, drove across Pulga Dam on the Parbati River near Barshaini. Steep climb to Kalga village, with good views of Barshaini and Tosh villages. Kalga is a spread out village on a plateau with houses and homestays interspersed in apple orchards. Crowds of trekkers starting on the Kheerganga trek up the Parbati river. Departed about 12:30 pm, stopped at Kasol for lunch, reached IIT at 5:45 pm.
Pics: D35_* by Adarsh Patel, R16_05151.jpg by Sreelakshmi, others by TAG
7 Hike with Nikhila and Amita on the Old Mysore Road from Kandal to Sandynullah reservoir, Ooty, 3rd Aug 2021 Slideshow of 52 best images (6.6MB) Download 52 selected images individually

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Kandal has grown with continuous houses lining the road without any gap. We started walking just beyond the turnoff to Kandal Cross Shrine. It was a cool, overcast day. There is a Forest Department barrier that blocks cars and trucks, minimizing human presence. The road is lined with stands of young eucalyptus forests on either side. The spacing between trees is too small, resulting in few branches. Most of the old eucalyptus trees are dead, though many are still standing. Some have fallen, and the Forest Department keeps the road clear.
The reservoir was a few feet below high water level. The water is a rich green, due perhaps to algae from the town sewage treatment plant in Kandal. We saw a few Indian spot-billed ducks, a couple of cormorants and a red-wattled lapwing. Plus a good number of house crows and a few songbirds
Approximate route Distance: 5.5km, time: 3 hours
6 Birding around Sirudavoor Lake, 24 Jan 2021 Slideshow of 35 best images (3.7MB) Download 35 selected images individually

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Departed from Uthandi at 6:20 am. Drove beyond Sirudavoor village to stop opposite the SE edge of the lake at 7 am. Walked across a paddy field to the bund along the lake. Pleasant shaded path on the bund, with glimpses of paddy fields on the east and the lake on the west. Sounds of babblers and other song birds, but not many visible in the dense vegetation. Light mist over the lake, that soon burnt off with the rising sun. After walking for 1/2 km, we returned to the car and drove to the gate of Tuscani at the NW corner of the lake. Met Lakshmi V. shepherding a flock of young birders from IITM. As Tuscani was decorated for a wedding function, we walked along the road beside the lake. Saw a few kingfishers on the electric wires, and blue-tailed bee-eaters in the trees/bushes along the lake. A solitary egret and a few lapwings flew overhead. Migratory birds are perhaps already moving northwards?
5 Birding around Sirudavoor Lake, 10 Jan 2021 Slideshow of 52 best images (5.0MB) Download 52 selected images individually

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Drove about 30 km south-south-west from Uthandi to Sirudavoor Lake. Joined en route by Ambareen and Ram at Kelambakkam. Started walking at 7 am. A cool morning, partly overcast. Besides birds, the only life was young villagers speeding along the road on their 2-wheelers. After an hour of walking along the lake, we went into Tuscani resort and spent an hour there. It has a large area of paddy fields with a few plots yet to be developed. Many birds in the fields. Stopped at Sangeetha ECR for dosai and coffee on the way back. Quite popular on a Sunday morning, a result of the steady abatement of COVID.
Pictures by TAG, except one picture of TAG by Ram.
4 Birding along Siruvadoor Lake, south of Chennai, Sun 27th Dec 2020 Slideshow of 33 best images (4.6MB) Download 33 selected images individually

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Drove about 30 km south-south-west from Uthandi to Sirudavoor Lake. Enakshi and friends joined from IIT Madras (about 1h10m drive for them). After driving around in circles for half an hour we found the lake. The sun was high in the sky and the air a bit hazy. We saw a collection of water birds.
In anticipation of good birding, I had loaded my 200-500 mm lens, tripod and monopod in the car. At the lake, I found that I had forgotten the camera body to go with the lens! Being absent-minded is good for one's reputation as a professor, but not good for memorable bird images! :-) Enakski kindly loaned me her Nikon P600, a vintage long zoom compact camera that takes decent images.
The locality is peaceful albeit without much shade from the sun. Besides birds, the only life was young villagers speeding along the road on their 2-wheelers. After an hour of birding, we enjoyed fresh coffee and Christmas cake in the shade of some trees before the drive home.
Pictures by Enakski and TAG.
3 Hike along the last few km to Lake Prashar, 8 Aug 20 Slideshow of 32 best images (3.8MB) Download 32 selected images individually

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Drove in the WagonR from IIT Mandi up to 4 km short of Lake Prashar with Rik, Subrata and Rishu, about 1h15m. Started walking at 8,500', initially a steady climb through stately deodars. After 1 km, the forest gave way to the open meadow leading to Lake Prashar. After the recent rains, the grass was a lush green, with numerous small streams flowing down the hillside.
As sunshine gave way to mist, we turned back and off the road in a narrow pass through to the Kullu side. Past a Gaddi herder's hut and came upon a serene albeit muddy pond. We sat and enjoyed the view with snacks and steaming coffee from a flask.
Returned to the car after a hike of about 6 km in 2.5 hours. The drive back to Salgi took 1h15m.
D72_* and R16_* by TAG, others by Rik Koner.
2 Hike from Arnehar to Kuthachi and beyond, 1st Feb 2020 Slideshow of 46 best images (5.0MB) Download 55 selected images individually

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Departed from Raman GH at 8:20 am. Drove to 1/2 km before Arnehar, 5,000' altitude (about 2,000' above North Campus). Walked along a new dirt road through pine forests to Kuthachi Village. Thereafter, the road descends gradually into a valley behind Kani Top. Back to North Campus at 12:40 pm.
The hike was led by Anoushka, MS student in SCEE.
Photo credits:
D72_* by TAG with a Nikon D7200.
R16_* by Debashrita with a Sony RX100M6.
1 Morning walk near Arnehar, 26th May 2019 Slideshow of 37 best images (4.9MB) Download 37 selected images individually

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Drove from North Campus to 1 km before Arnehar at 6:45 am. Walked beyond Arnehar through forest of pine, khaphal and rhododendron. Warm and clear with crisp clear views of Salgi, Griffon peak and the mountains up to the snow-capped Dhauladhars. With Aditi + Viswanath, Saurabh + Pooja Lodha, Neha Kaushik, and families.


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1 Shweta Rao Garg "Journey of a Woman Artist", 13th March 2020 Slideshow of 15 best images (1.4MB) Download 15 selected images individually

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SHSS Seminar, organised by Nilamber Chhetri, CV Raman Guest House Conference Room.
Photos by TAG with a Sony RX100M6


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7 Sree + Asit wedding, 7th-8th Dec 2021, Bangalore Slideshow of 26 best images (3.8MB) Download 26 selected images individually

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Pics: Merlin Sundar, Gopal, TAG
6 Priscilla's birthday, Uthandi, Chennai. 25th-30th Sep 2021 Slideshow of 35 best images (4.1MB) Download 35 selected images individually

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Ambareen and Ram came with a fruit cake on 25th evening. Enakshi joined us for lunch on 26th. Friends from Salgi sent an ice-cream cake on 27th. Kartiki was here from 26th for a week.
5 Windermere, Ooty, 5-6 March 2021 Slideshow of 29 best images (2.1MB) Download 29 selected images individually

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Pictures by TAG & Kartiki
4 Views of our house in Uthandi, Dec 2019 - Jan 2021 Slideshow of 16 best images (1.8MB) Download 16 selected images individually

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In 2019, we rented a house in Uthandi, a suburb on the southern outskirts of Chennai. We shifted here in December 2020. The 2-story house has a small garden, covered parking and two terraces on the upper floor. The slideshow has pictures of the beach near our house, 1st Main Road leading to the beach, the entrance to the house and various rooms.
Pictures by TAG & Sree
3 Farewell cake by Snehal, C-20-G2, 8th Dec 2020 Image gallery of lo-res thumbnails (<100 KB each) Click on any picture in the gallery for a hires image (8-13 MB each). Right-click to download the image.
2 Faculty-Staff Picnic, Rewalsar, 16th Feb 2019 Slideshow of 84 best images (11MB) Download 134 selected images individually

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Departure from North campus 9:30 am, return 6:45 pm. Clear, cool, sunny day with glorious views of the pine-covered mountain slopes. Assorted activities depending on interest including visits to Naina Devi temple, Rewalsar Monastery, walking around the Rewalsar Lake, etc. Morning snack at Hotel Mid-Way, halfway up to Naina Devi, and lunch at Hotel Tourist, HPTDC, Rewalsar.
Thanks to Prosenjit Mondal assisted by Pavin Samuel, Sandhya, PTG and others, for the impeccable arrangements.
Pics D72_9726 .. D72_9737 by Pavin Samuel.
1 Gourmet Club: German dinner by Balthasar Novak, 25 May 2018 Slideshow of 71 best images (7.4MB) Download 87 selected images individually

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28 Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, 6th & 12th January 2024 Slideshow of 31 images (2.5MB) Download 31 images individually

Email me if you want hi-res originals of any images. On 6th January 2024 evening, we visited the Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary with our friends Hema and Ramesh Oruganti from Singapore. Located on the Cauvery near Mysore, the islands in the river provide nesting sites for myriads of migratory and resident birds. We went in a shared boat ride, with my Sony A7C + 70-300mm telephoto lens. On 12th January, we returned with a 200-600mm lens and hired a private 4-seater “photography” boat. This does not have sides or a roof so offers unhindered views of birds on the bush, in the water and in flight. This blog describes the experience with images of some of the many birds and some animals that we saw.
27 Roquebrune-cap-Martin, Alpes-Maritimes, France, 9th - 11th September 2023 Slideshow of 31 images (2.5MB) Download 31 images individually

Email me if you want hi-res originals of any images. En route to Italy, we spent 2 days in Roquebrune-cap-Martin, on the French Riviera just south of Monaco. While recovering from jetlag, we had leisurely outings on the promenade, along the coast and into the hills above the town.
Our sojourn in Italy is described in other essays.
26 Pinnon Lodge on the Kafue River, Zambia 4th - 8th July 2023 Slideshow of 32 images (2.5MB) Download 32 images individually

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Email me if you want hi-res originals of any images. We spent 4 days in the Pinnon Lodge on the left bank of the Kafue River, opposite to the Kafue National Park, Zambia. This was part of an 8-day trip to enjoy the wildlife of Zambia. In this essay, we describe Pinnon Lodge and its immediate surroundings. Safaris into the Kafue National Park by boat and Land Cruiser, and the South Luangwa National Park are described in other essays.
25 Kabini reservoir and Nagarhole Nat'l Park, Karnataka, 26-27 Sep 2022 Slideshow of 67 best images (8.1MB) Download 67 selected images individually

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We stayed in the Bison Resort on the shore of an inlet in the Kabini Reservoir. A lovely setting. They have tent cabins with all the fittings and furniture of a high-end hotel room. The staff were very helpful, though the food was mediocre. An over-priced place in our experience.
We went on a Gypsy safari in the Nagarhole Nat'l Park. Saw few animals and several birds. The boat safari on the Kabini Reservoir was more peaceful, though with fewer sightings compared to our trip in April when the water level was lower. The safaris are run by Jungle Lodges. Bison provides transport to and fro, but this adds 1/2 hour or more to the safari time. One evening, we went on a nature walk near the Bison Resort through some fields with several sightings of birds.
The weather was monsoonish. No rain, but clouds in the blue skies. Lovely sunsets.
Click here for my images of boat safaris in Kabini during December 2022 For Gypsy safaris in Nagarhole during December 2022 click here.
Many of my best images of Kabini/Nagarhole are posted on Wikimedia Commons.
24 Group of monuments, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, 15 Sep 2022 Slideshow of 51 best images (6.7MB) Download 51 selected images individually

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Priscilla, Danica and I explored the rock monuments at Mahabalipuram. The group of monuments includes bas-reliefs and rathas (chariots) carved out of single granite boulders, cave temples and structural temples. Most of them date from the Pallava period (7th-8th centuries AD).
It was a clear warm day with light overcast to moderate the heat. We started at 8:30 am at Krishna's Butterball. Then, we walked along the road to view the Descent of the Ganges, a relief carved in two huge granite blocks. Further down the road, are assorted cave temples and structural temples. Near the Lighthouse is an unfinished "practice panel" that may have been used for experimentation before the sculptors started on the main panels.
We walked down the road to the Pancha (Five) Rathas, about 1.5 km from our starting point. The road was shaded, with touristy shops selling rock sculptures, handicrafts, etc. Many were closed, perhaps a result of the pandemic. Next to one of the rock sculptors was "Body Sculptors", a fitness studio! The area is kept clean and we saw one clean public toilet.
The views of these five rathas, each carved from a single boulder, was partly obscured by a large group of school girls. On the way back, we stopped for cool drinks and took in some very modern street art painted on a wall beside the road. The Lighthouse was a visibly dominant structure, showing various faces as we walked around it.
Returning to the main monument group, we climbed up to the Iswara or Olakkanesvara temple built on a hillock. It affords good views of the Lighthouse and the surrounding countryside. Then we walked past several temples, including the incomplete Royagopuram possibly dating from Vijayanagara period (1336–1646 AD). The walk ended back at Krishna's Butterball at 11 am.
The image of the photographer shooting the lighthouse was taken by Danica.
Hires versions of most of the images, suitable for printing, can be downloaded from Wikimedia Commons.
23 St. Thomas Mount, Chennai, 9 Aug 2022 Slideshow of 38 best images (4.3MB) Download 38 selected images individually

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Spent a couple of hours with JP photographing St. Thomas Mount and the activity in the Chennai Airport. When I last visited the Mount in the 1990s there was a quaint old chapel built in the 1500s. Now, it has been renovated into a vast modern shrine. The only vestiges of the old that I found was a gravestone of Anna Jacobyan dated 1764 in the floor at the entrance to the church.
Planes were landing from the NE, so we had good views of the planes almost level with the Mount on one side, and the planes touching down on runway 07/25 on the other side.
22 Atmaveda River Resort on the Kaveri River, Srirangapatna, Karnataka: Fri-Sat 29-30 Jul 2022 Slideshow of 59 best images (6.4MB) Download 59 selected images individually

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We spent 2 days in the Atmaveda River Resort, located on the right bank of the Kaveri River a few 100m upstream of Srirangapatna in Mandhya District, Karnataka. Very peaceful sitting under the trees on the edge of the Kaveri, and walking along the bank up to Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary. The misty morning views across the Kaveri are especially memorable. Many water birds and song birds in the river and the fields.
21 Idukki, Kerala: Thursday 3 Mar 2022 Slideshow of 34 best images (4.2MB) Download 34 selected images individually

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Fortified by an early breakfast of puttu prepared by Reena, we spent a couple of hours walking on the grassy highlands above GEC, guided by Ezhudheen and Jacob of the CSE Department. We went up to a big flat rock called Micro View Point. With scattered high clouds, the sun was hot and the strong winds dehydrating.
In the afternoon, I conducted an exercise in product design for 10 faculty who will be leading the LEAP course for 2nd BTech students starting in May. The faculty enthusiastically worked in cross-Department teams. Each team selected a problem from their daily life, brainstormed on possible solutions and worked out details of one of their designs.
PC: R16_05690.jpg -- P.T. Gonsalves; R16_05696.jpg -- Ezhudeen
20 Idukki, Kerala: Wednesday 2 Mar 2022 Slideshow of 38 best images (4.3MB) Download 38 selected images individually

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We set off early in the morning to drive to Calvary Mount. This is on a range to the NE of the Idukki Reservoir, about 1,000-1,500' above. The Mount is an ecotourism park, Kalvari Mount, maintained by the Govt. It has the Stations of the Cross along the path and a large cross at the summit.
Guided by K.S. Sunil of the CSE Department, we spent a couple of hours walking up to the top of the Mount. The views of the reservoir and the grassy mountains beyond to the south and west reminded one of the Nilgiris and Scotland. To the east we had vistas of the foothills and the Western Ghats, reminiscent of the views of the Shivaliks near Kamand. After descending, we had a home-cooked breakfast thoughtfully provided by Reena. On the way back to Idukki, we stopped to view the rear of the Idukki Dam. Without any spillways, it is an unbroken double arch of white concrete. The spillways are in the nearby Cheruthony Dam.
In the afternoon, I conducted an exercise in reverse engineering for 10 faculty who will be leading the LEAP course for 2nd BTech students starting in May. The faculty were quite enthusiastic to reverse engineering assorted common products.
PC: R16_05639.jpg -- P.T. Gonsalves
19 Idukki, Kerala: Tuesday 1 Mar 2022 Slideshow of 34 best images (4.0MB) Download 34 selected images individually

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The road to Idukki wound through forested ranges; View from the PWD Resthouse, Cheruthony, overlooking the Idukki Dam; Boating on the Idukki Reservoir with Reena Nair and her 2 sons; Visit to Hillview Park above the PWD Resthouse, with panoramic views of the Idukki Dam and the NE arm of the reservoir, and the Western Ghats to the east.
18 Gypsy safaris in Zone B, Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka, India, Thu-Fri 9-10 Dec 2021 Slideshow of 34 best images (4.5MB) Download 34 selected images individually

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We stayed in Jungle Lodges and Retreat, Kabini run by the Karnataka Tourism Department. We set out on the gypsy safaris about 3 pm and returned 3-4 hours later. Good sightings of many animals and a few birds. The scenery was monotonous, mostly teak forests, some variation when we approached the shore of the Kabini Reservoir. The ride is rather bumpy.
17 Boat safaris on the Kabini Reservoir, Karnataka, India, Fri-Sat 10-11 Dec 2021 Slideshow of 65 best images (6.9MB) Download 65 selected images individually

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We stayed in Jungle Lodges and Retreat, Kabini run by the Karnataka Tourism Department. We set out on the boat safari before sunrise and returned 3 hours later. The boat went along the shore of the Nagarhole National Park. Good sightings of many water birds. Peaceful ride with good scenery.
16 Morning walks in VGP Layout, Uthandi, Chennai. 30 Sep, 2-3 Oct 2021 Slideshow of 23 best images (2.5MB) Download 23 selected images individually

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Intermittent rains over the past few weeks have moderated the temperature and given us crystal clear views. The beach morning glory is in bloom along the edge of the sands of Uthandi Beach. With fewer visitors due to COVID, the beach is much cleaner than of yore.
15 Malampuzha Dam, IIT Palakkad, Kerala, 30th July 2021 Slideshow of 23 best images (2.4MB) Download 23 selected images individually

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Visit of the Advisory Council to IIT Palakkad.
14 Birds in Mudumalai and Masinagudi, Nilgiris, 11th-12th Mar 2021 Image gallery. 29 thumbnails, 1.6 MB Click on any picture in the gallery for a larger image (1.5-2 MB each). Right-click to download the image. All 29 images total 47 MB. Birds sighted on a Gypsy safari from Theppakadu, Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, and in the grounds of Jungle Hut, Masinagudi.
13 Gemur/Darcha/Yoche, Lahaul, Sun 11th Oct 2020 (1 of 4) Slideshow of 56 best images (7.6MB) Download 56 selected images individually

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After a breakfast of aloo parantha, we set off for a gentle walk to acclimatise on this first day above 10,000'. Down to the jhulla across the Bhaga, about 08:45 am. On the left bank we climbed over rock piles and thorny shrubs to an open grassy slope on the left bank of a stream up to a waterfall. Had snack and enjoyed the view before returning. Reached about 12:45 pm.
The area is much drier with browns, yellows and splashes of red and purple compared to the earlier visit in July 2016. Seabuckthorn has dry leaves and copious yellow/orange berries that have a sharp astringent taste. Wild roses with bright red rose hips (fruit). Aromatic sage plentiful, brown grass and stunted juniper on the slopes. Flushed about 10 snow partridges in the rocky slopes opposite Gemur.
In the afternoon, at 3 pm we drove to New-Darcha. Walked along the spur road up a river about 5 km to the last village Yoche. Vast scree slopes from the road to about 1,000-2,000'. Peaks about 4,000' above us with small ice-fields. At the end of the valley is the snow-capped M10, 5,840m (19,160'). Extensive cultivation on the riverbed. Potatoes being loaded into lorries. Bright yellow paper birch or aspen (?) on the slope provide relief from the dark, stark rocks and green junipers. Met two oxen, two cars and the Keylong-Yoche bus.
The peaks around Gemur and Darcha are mostly barren except for a few icefields near the summits and some small glaciers. Above the valley floor at 10,500', there are stunted junipers and a few birch/aspens up to 12,00'. The 5,700m (18,700') peak south of Gemur towards Sissu has a large cover of ice and snow that catches the sun's rays about 6:30-7:30 am.
12 Jankar Nala & Jispa, Lahaul, Mon 12th Oct 2020 (2 of 4) Slideshow of 62 best images (8.3MB) Download 62 selected images individually

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In the morning, we drove past Darcha and onto the new road up the Jankar Nala valley toward Zanskar. The broad new 2-lane road is a far cry from the narrow single lane road that we took 4 years ago. The road climbed steadily from a barren valley with ranges towering to 16,000'-20,000' on either side, scree slopes of 1,000' and only a few beds of plants, dark red with approaching winter.
After the helipad at Zanskar Sumdo (11 km from Darcha), the road turned into rubble and dust. The going was slow with crews at work. By about noon we had reached 14,000 near Ramjak, 9 km from Sumdo and still 10 km short of the Shinku La. We stopped in a level area and walked down to the river. Walked upstream with views of the rounded snow-capped Shinku Ri peak, looks like Mt. Kailash. A stark contrast to the rugged mountain slopes. There was ice in shallow pools in the Jankar Nala.
Returned with several halts en route to enjoy the rugged scenery. Stopped at Paldun Lamo where the river flows through the narrow cleft in the road about 100' deep and 40-50' wide. A Buddhist shrine has been developed. Reached Gemoor Khar about 03:30 pm for a late lunch.
In the evening, we tried to cross the Bhaga at the Gemur campsite. A farmer was working in the fields opposite and had tied the jhulla on the far bank. Loath to disturb him, we drove to Jispa and walked upstream along the river for 2 kms. A mix of cratered walls, camp sites, seabuckthorn, potato fields and the sandy river bed. Near Jispa, the river bed broadens and the river becomes braided. Returned to Jispa on the road.
From Thenu to Gemur to Jispa, the left bank of the Bhaga varies up to 200-300m wide, good for walking, mostly rocky scrub with a few fields. In one place between Gemur and Jispa and near Jispa, the scree comes down to the river. Perilous paths are visible. Except for Thenu which is on the left bank, all other habitation is on the right bank.
11 Hike to Gemur glacier west & Khangsar to Gemur Monastery, Lahaul, Tue 13th Oct 2020 (3 of 4) Slideshow of 60 best images (8.5MB) Download 60 selected images individually

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Clear, cool weather continued. We crossed the Gemur jhulla at 9 am and led by Manager Rajkumar, we headed downstream toward a glacier at the top of the steep side valley about 1.5 km west of Gemur. Without a path, we traversed scree slopes of varying gradients. Some sections had 10-15’ junipers, others had grass, in places there was no vegetation only treacherous sharp broken stones.
Climbing slowly upwards, we reached about 300' above the river with a view of the glacier at 11:30 am. Rajkumar returned to Gemoor Khar. I stayed at the “base camp” taking photographs. Sree, Shyamlal and Jhaa headed towards the glacier. In an hour they progressed about 300'. Jhaa stopped at one big boulder, Sree and Shyamlal went to a bigger boulder ~50-100' higher. We returned to Gemur by a path lower down along the river, for another 3:30 pm lunch.
In the evening, we drove to Khangsar about 1,000’ above Gemur. En route, we stopped to look down on picturesque Thenu village on the left bank of the Bhaga. Comparing it with pictures from July 2016, it was lush green then and dry brown after potato harvest now. A detailed comparison of the buildings indicated no new construction in 4.5 years, not even addition of a floor or rooms to an existing house. Perhaps due to a stable population and being off the tourist route. The Khangsar monastery was closed. We walked down the dirt road to Gemur Ghompa (monastery). Good views of the Bhaga upstream to Darcha. The setting sun threw the mountains beyond Darcha into warm relief. At the Ghompa, the caretaker opened it for us and gave us a tour of the whole building.
It was getting dark as we returned to Gemoor Khar. To avoid the cemented path to Gemur, we clambered down a steep path above and on the far side of Gemoor Khar, by the light of one cellphone for 3 of us. Not recommended, though we made it back without any mishaps!
10 Drive from Gemur to Sissu to Rohtang Pass to IIT Mandi, Wed 14th Oct 2020. (4 of 4) Slideshow of 22 best images (2.9MB) Download 22 selected images individually

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Departed from Gemur at 8:45 am. Light traffic to Sissu. Golden aspens or birch lining the road at Sissu. Drove up to Ghepan Monastery above Sissu. It was under renovation so we could not visit. Continued on past the Rohtang Tunnel to Koksar and up to Rohtang Pass. With light traffic, we reached about noon. Very few tourist vehicles at the Pass. We spent an hour walking across from Lahaul side to Beas Kund on the Kullu side. Stopped at Marhi for a late lunch.
In Manali, we stocked up on exotic provisions at the Mall, and enjoyed coffee and fresh “German” cakes at Amigos Bakery. The drive back to Salgi was uneventful, with a stop to pick up fresh fruit outside Kullu. Reached home at 7:45 pm.
9 Barot, Fri-Sun 23rd-25th Oct 2020 Slideshow of 67 best images (8.7MB) Download 67 selected images individually

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Priscilla and I drove to Barot in the WagonR on Friday afternoon, via Dyna Park. About 2h50m owing to road work. Stayed in the PWD Resthouse. Walked up the Uhl for 2 km before it got dark.
On Saturday morning, we drove up the Uhl to Baragram. Walked 2-3 km almost to the end of the road. Returned for a late lunch of veg momos (mostly cabbage) and grilled trout. In the evening, Rik, Subrata and Rishu arrived. We walked along the Lamba Dug.
On Sunday morning, we again drove up the Uhl part way. Walked up the road with an excursion along a side stream. After lunch, drove back home, stopping near Dyna Park to enjoy the sunset.
8 Visit to Manali, 2nd-6th Sep 2020 Slideshow of 54 best images (6.9MB) Download 54 selected images individually

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Stayed with Sarojini and Ashok Thakur in their house in an apple orchard in Sirsa, 2 km before Manali. Enjoyed walks in the orchard and the mountains behind it. Drove to Manali Mall Road and Solang Valley.
Drive from Salgi to Manali took 2h50m. On the return, we drove along the left bank road up to Kullu. Mostly a good 2-lane road, potholes here and there. Reached Bajaura in 2 hours. Due to a landslide near Aut, there was heavy traffic on the Kandi road, and the drive from Bajaura to Salgi took 3.5 hours.
7 Parakeet enjoying sunflower seeds, 10 Jun 20 Slideshow of 16 best images (2.3MB) Download 16 selected images individually

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On June 6th, Portia and Naveksha photographed glorious sunflower blossoms outside C-10. On June 10th, as the flowers matured and the seeds ripened, a male plum-headed parakeet enjoyed breakfast of dozens of sunflower seeds. In about 10 minutes, he denuded one of the mature flowers. Then, he flew up into a nearby tree, and told his female friend about it. She spent a couple of minutes before leaving. Other insects also enjoyed the flowers, without damaging them.
Parakeet images: D7200 with Nikkor 200-500mm
6 Birds in IIT Mandi Campus at Salgi, March-April 2020 Slideshow of 26 best images (2.8MB) Download 26 selected images individually

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Birds do not suffer from COVID-19 and are free from lockdown! Most of these photos were taken from our living room, while the birds were foraging for fruit and insects in the trees outside our house. Mostly with a Nikkor 200-500mm lens, a few with a Nikkor 18-300mm.
5 Bird-watching at Pong Reservoir, Nagrota Suriyan, and visit to Masroor Rock Temple, 25-26 Jan 2020 Slideshow of 56 best images (5.0MB) Download 56 selected images individually

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On Sat 25th Jan, we drove from IIT Mandi to Nagrota Suriyan on the bank of the Pong Reservoir. Stayed in the PWD Resthouse with a good view of the river and the distant Dhauladhars. Spent the evening on a large mud flat beside the reservoir. Large numbers of bar-headed geese, many waders and water birds, a few songbirds and raptors.
On Sun 26th, after an early morning walk through the town, we drove to the nearby Masroor Rock Temple, carved out of solid sandstone. Reminiscent of the rock-cut temples at Mahabalipuram south of Chennai. Dating from 8th century AD. Partly in ruins due to the Kangra earthquake.
Photo credits: Nikon D7200 - Neha Sharma, Dikshita Nath, TAG; Canon EOS500D - Dikshita, TAG; Sony RX100M6 - TAG
4 Visit to Corbett Tiger Reserve, Uttarakhand, 2nd-5th December 2019 Slideshow of 58 best images (6.9MB) Download 58 selected images individually

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As a boy in Ooty, I grew up on Jim Corbett’s tales of hunting man-eating tigers and leopards. “Man-eaters of Kumaon” was my favourite. In the mountains of the Nilgiris, clad in grass, eucalyptus, cypress and wattle, I imagined vivid mental pictures of the foothills of the Himalayas in which Corbett lived. In early December, I visited the Jim Corbett National Park to see Corbett country in person. The trip was very graciously arranged by Deepti (my MS student from IIT Madras) and Mayank and their delightful daughters, Meera and Vrinda.
On the first evening, we spotted 6 tigers at close quarters, and one more on the next day. Other animals included elephants, cheetal, barking deer, sambhar, monkeys and wild boar. Birds were aplenty along the Ramganga River – eagles, a lammergeier, herons, storks, egrets, kingfishers, redstarts, barbets, bulbuls, etc. We spent many hours sitting peacefully in the grasslands or in the sal forest, soaking in the sounds of the birds, the wind sighing through the sal trees, alarm calls of monkeys and deer, and the occasional growl of a tiger and trumpeting of an elephant. Our guide/driver Imran was very knowledgeable and adept at spotting animals and birds.
Most pics by T.A. Gonsalves, a few (C) pics by Kartiki Gonsalves http://www.kartikigonsalves.com/
3 Snow in IIT Mandi Campus -- Salgi and Kamand. 7-8th Feb 2019 Slideshow of 46 best images (5.5MB) Download 46 selected images individually

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Heavy rain on Thursday 7th evening changed to snow as temperatures dropped. Friday morning dawned crisp and clear, with the campus covered with 1-2 inches of snow. By noon most of the snow on campus had melted, though the snow on north facing mountain slopes lasted for 2-3 days. The last time it snowed on campus was in December 2014 (the snow did not persist). The last time the campus was covered with snow is said to be in 1992.
Pics by TAG, Neha Sharma and Merlin Sundar
2 Better Half cricket, 11/3/17
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1 Ruby Reunion, BTech 1976, 2/1/17 at IIT Madras and 3-4/1/17 at Radisson Hotel, Mahabalipuram
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Most images by TAG, DSC00052.jpg -- DSC00055.jpg by PTG

Assorted Information

* Scaling the Heights: IITMandi's 1st Decade. An Institutional Biography published on 24 Feb 2021

Scaling the Heights celebrates IIT Mandi's first decade. As it traces the story of the establishment of this technological institution, it transports the reader from Roorkee, where the nascent year was spent, to a 'transit campus' and to IIT Mandi's own home in the hills. Many members of the IIT Mandi community, including administrators, staff and faculty members and alumni, who were part of the story have contributed accounts of their experiences to Scaling the Heights. The book is richly illustrated with images from IIT Mandi's own photographic archive and from other sources. IIT Mandi website page

* Choice of Public Lighting for Healthy Living. Artificial lighting enables activities and safety, but may adversely affect health. June 2020

* A Quick Guide for Aspiring Wikipedia Editors

* Writings on BTech in IITs and elsewhere

  1. A Perspective on the IIT Mandi BTech Curriculum (2012-22)
  2. "Report of the JAB Sub-Committee for Increasing Female Enrolment in B.Tech. in IITs" (12 pages), Timothy A. Gonsalves, et al., 12 Apr 2017.
  3. "Highlights of the report of the JAB Sub-Committee for Increasing Female Enrolment in B.Tech. in IITs" (6 pages), Timothy A. Gonsalves, 14 Jun 2017.
  4. "A Unique Pedagogical Experiment: The 5-Week Induction Programme (5WIP) at IIT Mandi", T.A. Gonsalves and Devika Sethi, IEEE India Info, Jan-Mar 2018.
  5. "How Women Shattered the Glass Ceiling in BTech in IITs", The Times of India: Education Times, 25 Oct 2021, online 1 Nov 2021.
    "To become a superpower in the technology-driven future, India must fully tap its female potential in Engineering"
  6. "Is BTech a good option for girls?", The Indian Express, 3 February 2023.
    "If we had more female engineers, they would have designed products suitable for Indian girls and women. IITs decided to attract more girls to BTech so that India gets more female engineers who will design and build better products for India and for the world."
  7. "While software and MBA are common routes after BTech, a super choice is innovative engineering", The Indian Express, 18 August 2023.
    "Innovative engineers identify problems in everyday life and use technology to deliver solutions. Their power lies in thinking out-of-the-box."
  8. "How do I become an Innovative Engineer?", Maker Bhavan Foundation blog, 30 August 2023

* Sustainable Energy by David Mackay -- An excellent data-driven analysis of energy usage now and in the future. A must read for anyone interested in our energy use and its impact on the environment. Very readable presentation.

* My contributions to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projectsOriental White-eye Windermere Ooty D72 5232

Professional societies
IEEE: Life Senior Member
ACM: Senior Member
IETE: Fellow (26 July 2020) & Life Member
AICTE: Distinguished Chair Professor (2022-present)
IEEE member since 1977

Contact Information

	Timothy A. Gonsalves			
Professor Emeritus (Hon)
Founding Director (2010-2020)
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
+91-94180-47732  tag@iitmandi.ac.in

	Flat F6, Kingsdale Apt,
	1101 Vihar Marga, Karanji Layout,
	Mysore - 570011, Karnataka, India
	+91-821-405-8285 (landline)
Click for map location
Permanent Residence:
    Windermere, 23 Ethiraj Road       
    Ooty - 643 001
    The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, India
My home pages at IIT Madras and at IIT Mandi.
Edited: 26 Nov 2022